Sunday, February 1, 2009

why do we want something ?

This " Want " is very dangerous. why the hell we ever want anything in life and why this want never satisfies you even if you get what you want............. Because there is something hidden behind this "want" which never gives you peace of mind.
when I want people in my life should be loving and caring then why dont I have the power to believe that the love and care which they show is true? Is everything decieves in life or we decieve ourself believing that everything is true. what is the funda to trust anything in life? how do we trust people in life and how do we trust our own soul because the meaning of trust, meaning of truth, meaning of love, meaning of happyness, meaning of self evrything changes from time to time.But I dont want to change, but I am scared that I am changing the way life wants and we call it Adaptibity . Rubbish.......... what kind of Adaptibilty is this where you kill your own self just beacuse the circumstances say that and it's the easy way out.

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