Friday, December 11, 2015

Is our character born with us??

Surprises....That's what the life is all about. It brings new chapters to you everyday. It's still a mystery to me that whether these chapters are prewritten by some superpower or they are written every moment based on our actions and intentions. Life seems quite static at times but you never know when it takes a sudden turn and makes you land in an entirely different world. It moves fast. So fast that it never gives you a chance to look back and when you actually take the pain of looking back, you realize that you have come so far that everything seems just a passed moment. It seems that all those days, years and centuries are gone in just a fragment of one moment  and you have travelled too fast in this journey.

Now, apart from talking about life I want to write about something which is going in my mind for quite sometime.
I really think sometimes that all human beings have different characteristics and individual approach towards moral values, respect, truth etc. All of us claim and talk about being good to others, have respect for elders , love for youngers, care, values, humanity and blah blah...... But when you actually start analyzing people you will find that Many of them talk about these things but they are superficial and they just act ... And yessss, they act very well. They have a layer coated on them and when you get a chance to see behind that coating you will see a different person. Why do they want to carry an image of so called "Nice person" to the world if they have different thoughts and values in their mind. Does our society make them or situations make them that way or they are born with two faces??
Now a days I am taking speech and drama classes in a school and dealing with students of an age group of 4 to 13 years. I observe and analyse these students everyday. I don't know what it is, but every child has got an individuality which clearly tells you that he/she is going to be a nice human being or not. It's soooo clear. Their last 5 months behavior tells me so many things about them. It's not even about behavior, There is something in each child which tells you clearly that what kind of person he/she is going to be in life ahead. But my question is - Will this analysis or observation or intuition (I don't know what to call it) be right after many years when these children will go through different phases of society????   May be my analysis will be proven completely wrong. Does life changes your character or your character is born with you and it never changes with situations in your life ??

I wish to do some research on this topic. I wish I could make a report of these children and meet them after many years to see if my observation and analysis is correct or not.


MystryMoksha said...

Hey , nice to read ur inner thoughts bout this interesting topic. I would suggest to go ahead n make s small report of d kids u teach n document it somewhr in records and share it with their guardians. Try to b in touch with it will b an interesting reaearch by you. All d best. (Y)

My world and my words said...

Thanks for your valuable feedback.... I will try and do that.... Thanx.

My world and my words said...
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