Monday, September 12, 2016

Unseen, Unspoken and Unexpressed forever

Sometimes it happens that I run out of words in order to truly express what I want to say.
Not because my Vocab is too bad, but because there are still so many things which can
not be explained in words in any language. If you give any word to put it across then it's
meaning gets modulated based on the perception and understanding of the other person.
And moreover who has the time to try and understand anything which is so complicated
that can not be even defined in words or sentences. The Beauty of words is still not fully
defined and has a lot of scope to be explored and ventured. And Henceforth a lot of things
are unseen. Some words are unspoken forever,  Some feelings are never shown, Some
emotions can not be expressed in any expression, Certain talks don't have words to be put
it in their exact meaning. Certain things never get defined and are extended to a distance
of infinity.

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