Friday, June 26, 2020


Inside some words are echoing loud because outside these words have lost their identity. Disturbed - Seems a small word today. Emotions sounds like a word from different Era. Were we always like that or its just that we have seen each other in close proxymity now only ? ..... Were we used to be pray on someone's pain always or its just a quality which we recently developed? Were we always so silent on unethical atmosphere around us or we have just learnt  to become quite about it? Were we always so tied up by system that we were never able to speak against it or its just that we have realised it just now ? Were we always used to digest so much of negativity with a hope of better tomrrow or we have just learnt it?
Are we growing to be a better being or becoming just a surviver ? Were we really so lost or we are loosing the track now?

I wish there would not have been social media. I wish we would have escaped so many news which made us feel like we  are living in a world where man has become everything but not a human being. What a tragic world we are living in. We sympathise but never help, we watch tragidies everyday and assume deep somewehere in our mind that it will never happen to us. We have learnt to take news like rape, suicide, murder as our daily schedule and nothing new. More we try to know something, more it seems ugly so we have just learnt to ignore things and move on. But it gives me a lot of internal disturbance when I see that truth, honesty, hard work, love, trust, faith etc they all have just remained as words and nothing else. No meaning at all. In this age of social media, fast friends and fast food I wish we find friends who make us feel that the world is still beautiful.
I wish all those who have lost their self or life in this cruel world can come back and start from the begining.... I don't wish to learn to live in such kind of world Rather I wish the beaĆ¹ty of this world come back and we can again  become human beings who are there to love each other and live gracefully.

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