Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Discover yourself

 What it takes to realize that you have come very long from a point where you were discovering yourself are called "years". Years that you spent thinking that one day you you will change everything , Years that you spent going with flow, years that you spent pleasing people, years that you spent trying to be good as per a definition set by others, years that you spent just trying to settle your life in a secure way, years that you spent trying to fit in your role and not writing a role for yourself, years that you spent trying to understand people around you and still having no clue who they are, years that are gone in a blink of eye, years that have taken your identity from you and made you who you actually dint want to be, years that are laughing at you but you cant hold them back, years that you will always want to come back to you.

But the good part is that you have realized, and this realization has just pushed you to the same point where you left years back and now you are all set to start discovering yourself again.

So just get up and go for it.

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