Sunday, March 27, 2016

Women - Please speak up

Sometimes I wonder that it’s such a miracle that there are millions and billions of people on this earth and all have different faces, voices and characteristics. I get amazed at the creativity of GOD that how he is able to design soooo many different faces. And all look different. Henceforth I must mention that all of us have been provided with different hearts also. No No I am not talking about it’s Biological size or weight here. I want to mention here the things like greatness, kindness, generosity, cunningness, secret keeping power etc of different hearts. No need to say that women have got a bigger heart as compare to man. I am not trying to be biased by any gender. But it’s been  proven throughout the centuries that no matter what happens, women have always proved themselves the most tolerant and patient creature.  Else how is it possible that even today when we claim ours to be a modern, advanced , technically  equipped, educat
ed and civilized world and still you find women who are
beaten up, abused, mentally tortured and still they keep quite. Not because they can’t do anything but because they don’t want to destroy the family repo and they don’t want to hurt anyone so they prefer to get hurt every day. But wait….. Is it because they have got a bigger heart or because their minds are psychologically filled up with stuff of being patient, do sacrifice, forgive others, suppress your wishes and happiness, don’t argue, don’t raise your voice and be a woman. Their existence comes the last. Obviously not all man think like that but unfortunately a major part of our so called “Societies and communities” think like that and they have maintained this custom of “Being woman” very well throughout the ages. But why do woman tolerate this anymore. Stop proving that you have a bigger heart if you really want gender equality. Be a woman but in true sense not in a predefined manner which someone else has decided for you.

We talk big but do little. But I think now we should stop talking about all these and every single woman just do your bit of revolting against any kind of injustice to you. Don’t wait anymore else it will become more difficult for you. Get out and speak. Plzzzzzzzz.