Thursday, June 25, 2015

KM India Generation next

Needless to say that we are living in an artificial world today where everything has a price tag and some complicated name given. Life has become a never ending race and the destination is unknown. Everyone understands the language of power and money. And the one who does not understand that is left behind to suffer. I am not saying that we should not run after success but the aim of that success should be clear and should have a motto behind it. Having a billion dollars in your account does not make any sense if you don't have an urge to help those who need this money just to have a meal in a day. Irony is that this urge of helping and loving each other is missing in today's world.
Everyone of us as an individual have a big responsibility not just towards the current scenario but to our next generation. We are the one who can mould our future generations to make this world harmonized and peaceful.
I don't believe that only world war can destroy this beautiful world. There is a silent war prevalent in today's world which is slowly eating it up from inside. This war is of hatred, jelousy, ego, and selfishness. And the best part is that everyone blames others for this, Noone is there to take the blame for it. Our future generations are most prone to it if we do not take action right now.

We need to stop for a while wherever we are and think if it is worth to run in this race or we are running just because everyone is doing so. We need to value life, humanity, relationships and love and we need to plant these seeds in our future generations to beautify this world. Rest all will be alighned automatically.
Purpose of this life should not be just to eat, breath and die. Purpose of this life should be to contribute something to this world to make it a better place to live.

Buddhism says that there is a cause for every suffering and there are many ways to get out of these sufferings. Similarly there are diffrent ways to end this silent war. Nomatter what you do just be a warrior and follow the right path and this war can take a backseat.

Here I would like to mention Kali Majapahit a form of martial art that tells us a lot about life and its purpose. It's not just a martial art but it's a philosophy which guides you tawards a meaningful life. In our daily life we have to fight every moment but in a silent mode. Be a warrior but in monk style and that's what Kali Majapahit has taught me till now. Though there is a long way to go. But I am sure that KM India Generation next is going to be a big factor to stop this silent war.

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