Thursday, December 29, 2016

Monday, December 19, 2016

DREAMS .......

As per scientific logics Sapna (A dream) is a Chemical Loccha in our brain. However I feel dreams are what keep us alive even in the worst conditions in our life. Dreams are not what we see when we are asleep. Dreams are those which do not let us sleep. Dreams combined with hopes make the life keep going on track. And on top of that if we sprinkle a bit of smile, positivity, love and feelings for each other then a delicious cake of our life is ready to be served and enjoyed.

We must have dreams and a willpower to fulfill those dreams. We must dream of a better tomorrow , we must dream of this world becoming an amazing place to live in, we must dream of our sorrows getting disappear, we must dream of leaping everyday in the direction of our destination and we must dream of fulfilling our dreams.

Dreams are not bigger or smaller. A rickshaw puller’s dream might be just earning enough everyday and saving money for her daughter’s wedding. On the other hand he might have a dream of becoming a millionaire one day.  His status can not define or restrict the the boundaries of his dream. What matters is what he is doing to fulfill that dream. Dreams in which we are when we are asleep are temporary and they vanish as soon we open our eyes and we find ourselves in the real world and we laugh it away. However,  Dreams which we see with open eyes gives a lot of pain if broken.


Monday, November 14, 2016

Happy B'day

People  meet for a reason. People get apart for a reason. Many questions remain unanswered because these questions are meant to be unanswered. Everything happens for a reason. Every soul has an aim to be on this earth and every happening has its outcomes.....Wish you a very Happy B'day my friend. May you have a happy and peaceful year ahead...... My best wishes always with you. And Happy B'day to all who are born today..... Have a great year ahead.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I am scared

I am scared today..... I am scared to be a part of this world..... I am scared that one day what if I turned out to be one of these people who have defined morality as per their convenience. They have their own individual truths which are based on their comfort and mindset. And their mindset changes every moment to suit the easiness and pleasures of life. And they say it's not wrong, It's just my choice. Morality, Principals, ideals seem meaningless today. I am scared that what if I start accepting people like them in my life, Because unfortunately almost everybody turns out one of them one day. I am scared to open my eyes and see the reality. I am scared to tell my next generation that there are genuine and moraly strong headed people in this world, Because very very few people are genuine, honest, and deserve to be respected. And I am sacred what if these handful people also turn out to be something else one day. I am scared to face that day. I am scared to open my eyes and see the realiy. I am scared to turn out to be one of these people one day. I am scared..............

Monday, September 12, 2016

Unseen, Unspoken and Unexpressed forever

Sometimes it happens that I run out of words in order to truly express what I want to say.
Not because my Vocab is too bad, but because there are still so many things which can
not be explained in words in any language. If you give any word to put it across then it's
meaning gets modulated based on the perception and understanding of the other person.
And moreover who has the time to try and understand anything which is so complicated
that can not be even defined in words or sentences. The Beauty of words is still not fully
defined and has a lot of scope to be explored and ventured. And Henceforth a lot of things
are unseen. Some words are unspoken forever,  Some feelings are never shown, Some
emotions can not be expressed in any expression, Certain talks don't have words to be put
it in their exact meaning. Certain things never get defined and are extended to a distance
of infinity.

21स्वी शताब्दी की औरतें

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

If Only

If Only I would have got a chance to talk to you one last time,

If Only I would have not showed you so much of anger,
If only you would have turned back once and called me again,
If only I would have forgotten bitter things in that moment,
If Only I would have cherished the happy moments at that point,
If only you would have not taken those steps ahead,
If only I would have stopped you and pulled you back,
If only I could have said what was inside me,
If Only I would have understood what you were going through,
If Only the sky would have roared to tell me what is ahead,
If Only I would have got that one more chance……….
What if we meet in next life again?
Will you recognize me?
If Only I could have said that please do recognize me in our next life.
If Only I would have got a chance to bid you a final goodbye………….. If Only

Monday, April 18, 2016

I don't care what they think. It's my heart

I don't want to live in past so I don't turn my head to any direction which reminds me of you. You are not forgotten but you don't deserve to be remembered. Many times I used to look back to your last few lines which you wrote to me.... I read between the lines but found nothing to hold on ..... For you I was just an experience , For me you were everything which made my life and destroyed together..... You would call me emotional fool may be, but I don't care. I don't care what you think, what others think, Because my feelings and emotions are only mine and no one can truly understand someone else's feelings. Everybody has a different heart and a different inner. People may go through the same experience in life but I believe that everyone has a different core which feels and no one can understand that.


Shamina was writing something in her dairy " I Just realised that it's being years that we haven't spoken to each other but still it feels that it was just now that we were having that chat, that we were sitting together, that we were talking for hours, that we were not thinking about this world, that I was crazy for you and perhaps you were or may be not. I don' t know but at least I believed that you felt the same. Perhaps I was wrong and that's why you kept moving and I got lost in those moments to an extent that I am searching myself even today".....
 Some one called her from the other room and she immediately closed her dairy so that no one sees it.
So whatever she was writing was left in between just like her life was left in between. It happens to her many times but she still dare to write and still dares to live and love life.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Women - Please speak up

Sometimes I wonder that it’s such a miracle that there are millions and billions of people on this earth and all have different faces, voices and characteristics. I get amazed at the creativity of GOD that how he is able to design soooo many different faces. And all look different. Henceforth I must mention that all of us have been provided with different hearts also. No No I am not talking about it’s Biological size or weight here. I want to mention here the things like greatness, kindness, generosity, cunningness, secret keeping power etc of different hearts. No need to say that women have got a bigger heart as compare to man. I am not trying to be biased by any gender. But it’s been  proven throughout the centuries that no matter what happens, women have always proved themselves the most tolerant and patient creature.  Else how is it possible that even today when we claim ours to be a modern, advanced , technically  equipped, educat
ed and civilized world and still you find women who are
beaten up, abused, mentally tortured and still they keep quite. Not because they can’t do anything but because they don’t want to destroy the family repo and they don’t want to hurt anyone so they prefer to get hurt every day. But wait….. Is it because they have got a bigger heart or because their minds are psychologically filled up with stuff of being patient, do sacrifice, forgive others, suppress your wishes and happiness, don’t argue, don’t raise your voice and be a woman. Their existence comes the last. Obviously not all man think like that but unfortunately a major part of our so called “Societies and communities” think like that and they have maintained this custom of “Being woman” very well throughout the ages. But why do woman tolerate this anymore. Stop proving that you have a bigger heart if you really want gender equality. Be a woman but in true sense not in a predefined manner which someone else has decided for you.

We talk big but do little. But I think now we should stop talking about all these and every single woman just do your bit of revolting against any kind of injustice to you. Don’t wait anymore else it will become more difficult for you. Get out and speak. Plzzzzzzzz.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

जाते हुए लम्हें

काश कि हम इन् जाते हुए लम्हों को रोक पाते,
तो फिर हमें शिकायत कोई होती .........
या फिर मौसम कि तरह ये लम्हें भी लौट आते,
तो फिर हमें शिकायत कोई होती .........

कोई जा कर कह दे इस गुज़रते समां से,
कि हमें इसकी एक आदत सी हो गयी है.............
ये आदत पड़ने से पहले, ये लम्हें लौट जाते……….. तो फिर हमें शिकायत कोई होती .........
काश कि हम इन् जाते हुए लम्हों को रोक पाते,……. तो फिर हमें शिकायत कोई होती .........

जाने कौन सा जादू बसा है इनमें,
जाने कौन सा राज छुपा है इनमें...........
इस जादू के नशे और राज की गहराई तक,
अगर हम पहुँच पाते,………. तो फिर हमें शिकायत कोई होती .........
काश कि हम इन् जाते हुए लम्हों को रोक पाते,……. तो फिर हमें शिकायत कोई होती .........

हमारे और इन् लम्हों के बीच बढ़ रही है दूरी,
पर हमें इन् लम्हों से कहना है कुछ ज़रूरी....
ज़िन्दगी में अगर ये आते तो रह जाती वो अधूरी
इस अधूरेपन को हम अगर पूरा कर पाते.......... तो फिर हमें शिकायत कोई होती .........
काश कि हम इन् जाते हुए लम्हों को रोक पाते,……. तो फिर हमें शिकायत कोई होती .........