Friday, December 11, 2015

Is our character born with us??

Surprises....That's what the life is all about. It brings new chapters to you everyday. It's still a mystery to me that whether these chapters are prewritten by some superpower or they are written every moment based on our actions and intentions. Life seems quite static at times but you never know when it takes a sudden turn and makes you land in an entirely different world. It moves fast. So fast that it never gives you a chance to look back and when you actually take the pain of looking back, you realize that you have come so far that everything seems just a passed moment. It seems that all those days, years and centuries are gone in just a fragment of one moment  and you have travelled too fast in this journey.

Now, apart from talking about life I want to write about something which is going in my mind for quite sometime.
I really think sometimes that all human beings have different characteristics and individual approach towards moral values, respect, truth etc. All of us claim and talk about being good to others, have respect for elders , love for youngers, care, values, humanity and blah blah...... But when you actually start analyzing people you will find that Many of them talk about these things but they are superficial and they just act ... And yessss, they act very well. They have a layer coated on them and when you get a chance to see behind that coating you will see a different person. Why do they want to carry an image of so called "Nice person" to the world if they have different thoughts and values in their mind. Does our society make them or situations make them that way or they are born with two faces??
Now a days I am taking speech and drama classes in a school and dealing with students of an age group of 4 to 13 years. I observe and analyse these students everyday. I don't know what it is, but every child has got an individuality which clearly tells you that he/she is going to be a nice human being or not. It's soooo clear. Their last 5 months behavior tells me so many things about them. It's not even about behavior, There is something in each child which tells you clearly that what kind of person he/she is going to be in life ahead. But my question is - Will this analysis or observation or intuition (I don't know what to call it) be right after many years when these children will go through different phases of society????   May be my analysis will be proven completely wrong. Does life changes your character or your character is born with you and it never changes with situations in your life ??

I wish to do some research on this topic. I wish I could make a report of these children and meet them after many years to see if my observation and analysis is correct or not.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

A Teacher

Guru, Teacher, Mentor......... Whatever we call him/her but the meaning is too deep to explain. A Teacher does not only gives you a way to understand things but sometimes gives you a direction to go in. He/She gives you a vision when things seems blurred to you, He gives you strength when you feel week at times, He shows you your strength exactly when you are too occupied to count on your weaknesses, He tells you your weakness along with a way to work on improvement, He feels happy on your achievement, He feels bad when you lose and He keeps showering blessings on you always..... Not all can justify the word Guru but there are few teachers who do it. I dedicate this post to few of my teachers who have not only justified it but given a deeper meaning to it. It's only words that I have to Thank you all for being there, so I wish you and all such teachers A very Happy Teachers day......

Happy Teachers Day

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My Battle

Yes It is my Battle and I have to fight it alone, And I realized it loooong ago but it still hurts when someone whom you expect just to listen to you, says it to you. Everybody's life is different and No one can really solve your problems but There are some people whom you look up to just to share your problems without any expectation of resolution........ I did a mistake after a very long time to look up to someone..... It's not that I am not strong. I am not a kid who expects others to solve my problems. But sometimes you start idealizing someone and you are mistaken when you expect them to understand everything, which is obviously a wrong expectation......... But years after I felt that there are genuine people who are of golden heart and deserve respect and regard. And that's the only reason I approached you without realizing that I should not assume you to listen to me.
I have never confessed in my life, but today I confess that I miss a father in my life at times, Though rarely but I do.

I know this post seems very personnel stuff, but I could not stop myself of writing it.....
But after all I am not sad because I know I am strong enough to tackle life today...... So here I come to you life with a smile.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

I am feeling like I am stuck

I am feeling like I am hanging between earth and sky at a height where the Gravitational force is not able to reach and the sky has no intention of calling me towards it. What do I do ?? I am feeling like telling someone that I also want to feel normal and want to live a life where no boundaries , no fear, no superficial formalities, no hypocrisy, no force and no preset rules exist...... But wait.. this will not be normal life then.... Because if you expect a life like this then they call it NOT normal or Abnormal....... In a normal life you should behave and follow exactly the same path which others are going on...... How can you go in any other direction ??...... How can you be so insensitive that you only listen to your heart and not to the social preset rules echoing everywhere around you. If you do that then they make you feel miserable telling you every single moment that you are on a wrong path and you will fall down soon....... But I don't care. If I fall down I will be happy at least I tried to listen to my heart. Yes I am scared, Yes it is painful from time to time. Yes it is difficult but I will go on...........

Saturday, July 18, 2015

My Favourite Child - Tiya

I love her,not just because she is my niece but because she deserves to be loved. She is my favourite child on earth. She is an adorable girl. She behaves mature at her age(12years) when there is anything serious, She is bubbly and makes everybody laugh in the family, She dance to the fullest and completes our family functions always. She loves to play Basket ball and is doing great in her school's Basket ball team. She is execellent in studies. She respect elders and loves her little cousins, (though she fights a lot with her younger brother, and scolds him at times as if she is his grandma :- ) .... And Ofcourse her little bro is a very naughty child so who will not loose patience with him........... She is not demanding and fussy about things, but at times she chews my brain for little things and I don't mind it at all.....She says that I am the best Buaji but I wish one day after a few years when she is grown up, she reads this blog and realise that she is the bestest niece that one can have...... My dear Child my best wishes and blessing are always with you... Keep Shining...... With Love to you dear Tiya.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

KM India Generation next

Needless to say that we are living in an artificial world today where everything has a price tag and some complicated name given. Life has become a never ending race and the destination is unknown. Everyone understands the language of power and money. And the one who does not understand that is left behind to suffer. I am not saying that we should not run after success but the aim of that success should be clear and should have a motto behind it. Having a billion dollars in your account does not make any sense if you don't have an urge to help those who need this money just to have a meal in a day. Irony is that this urge of helping and loving each other is missing in today's world.
Everyone of us as an individual have a big responsibility not just towards the current scenario but to our next generation. We are the one who can mould our future generations to make this world harmonized and peaceful.
I don't believe that only world war can destroy this beautiful world. There is a silent war prevalent in today's world which is slowly eating it up from inside. This war is of hatred, jelousy, ego, and selfishness. And the best part is that everyone blames others for this, Noone is there to take the blame for it. Our future generations are most prone to it if we do not take action right now.

We need to stop for a while wherever we are and think if it is worth to run in this race or we are running just because everyone is doing so. We need to value life, humanity, relationships and love and we need to plant these seeds in our future generations to beautify this world. Rest all will be alighned automatically.
Purpose of this life should not be just to eat, breath and die. Purpose of this life should be to contribute something to this world to make it a better place to live.

Buddhism says that there is a cause for every suffering and there are many ways to get out of these sufferings. Similarly there are diffrent ways to end this silent war. Nomatter what you do just be a warrior and follow the right path and this war can take a backseat.

Here I would like to mention Kali Majapahit a form of martial art that tells us a lot about life and its purpose. It's not just a martial art but it's a philosophy which guides you tawards a meaningful life. In our daily life we have to fight every moment but in a silent mode. Be a warrior but in monk style and that's what Kali Majapahit has taught me till now. Though there is a long way to go. But I am sure that KM India Generation next is going to be a big factor to stop this silent war.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Ocean

I wish The ocean inside me had been under my control unlike the Ocean outside around us. But it's not the case. Both are not in my control and both have a tendency to become nasty at any time. Sometimes they are calm with a serenity and seem unaffected by even the most devastating calamity and sometimes they are at trouble even by a stone thrown into them. They both have the capability to destroy, The only difference is that the disaster done by outside ocean is visible however the mess created by the inside ocean is not visible to anyone.
The world inside me is more beautiful, more peaceful, more calm and more fascinating than the outside world. But at the same time it is way more dangerous when gets disturbed.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

A New Journey

I can't believe that I have'nt written for so long. Uff.... Anyways......Exploration of life is going on and I see it as an opportunity to do something better everyday.... Don't know what's next in life, but I want to see it's positive side and want to go ahead with a positive attitude. Sometimes it's difficult to see through but I still keep moving.
This Journey of life is at times good and at times bad. I have decided to keep memories of only good one. Forgetting the bad one is not easy but I am trying hard so let's see.
I want to Thank God for sending some great people in my life in last few months. I am grateful to have them and adore there presence in my life. I am trying and will keep trying to do something good for humanity before I leave this world. No matter how much success I get in that.
Got Yellow belt in Martial Art (Kali Majapahit) today. Is it a start of a new journey? Let's see........................