Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Lockdown days

Today is 5th May, 2020.
It's been 48 days . We are living a life called "Lockdown days". Everything is closed. Shops, Malls, schools, offices, park, Gym and even the most sensitive place of our religious sentimemts called temples, mosques and churches. In short the place of worship are also facing this unexpected phase called " Lockdown"
I never thought, Infact No one ever thought that A day like this will ever come, Hence No one was prepared for this , Not mentally, Not financially, not in any sense.
COVID -19 - A virus that is destryoing human life worldwide is still at its peak and we are just praying everyday that it goes away. But who knows when will it say goodbye to us.
In my entire life I have never seen such a disaster. Lakhs of people are dying worldwide becaus of this and No country is able to find a vaccine or a solution apart from social distancing.
Lockdown has showed a diffrent phase of life which everyone was ignoring for centuries.

Unfortunate thing in our country Bharat is that Many lives are starving because they are stuck and have nothing to eat.... No work, No money, No movement.... Though many people are helping them out but still its a dark phase and everyone is fighting to survive...

Some people say that COVID 19 is a revange of Nature against Human as we are destroying it for many years for our benefits. Some say that it is going to be cleansing of world from Human lives as there are too many people. Nobody knows the actual fact.
I just hope that we learn from it and become a better person after lockdown days.

Anyway, I can not describe everything about this lockdown in a small blog as there are too many things to talk about, but all I want to say is that let's pray that this phase passes away soon and we are back to our Normal life and lets start behaving like a Human in the coming days..........

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